• Adopting measures to ensure safety, health, environment protection and quality within all our operations and strive to continually improve them though consultation and participation of workers.
  • Identifying Customer needs & expectations to provide timely solutions and satisfy all the applicable requirements.
  • Complying with all legal and other requirements, statutory environment protection and safety regulations for all its business and manufacturing activities and fulfill its compliance obligations as well as maintain world class standards for its products and services.
  • Innovative developments in operations to have a better impact on safety, health, environment and quality of products and services offered to customers.
  • Support strategic direction including the nature and scale of environmental impacts of its activities, products and services to achieve its intended results and enhance desirable effects by prevent or reduce undesired effects.
  • Setting performance targets and goals by giving highest priority to Health, Safety, Environment protection and Quality as well as optimizing the utilization of natural recourses through continued review and monitoring process.
  • Actively propagating and promoting its policy to all stakeholders, employees and all interested parties.
  • Taking comprehensive measures such as prevention of injury and ill health, risk reduction, continuous education, communication, training and motivation programs with all stakeholders on the aspects of health, safety, environment protection and quality, with special focus on prevention of pollution & its control, best waste management practices.
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